Alright folks, we're just seven days away from Pikmin 4's July 21st release date. Like many of you, we played through the Demo released a few weeks ago and can't wait to get our hands on more of this game.
We thought now would be a great time to give you an in-depth overview and ranking of each of the pikmin types found in Pikmin 1, 2, and 3. Please note, we did not include new pikmin types encountered during the Pikmin 4 demo *cough* Ice Pikmin *cough*, but we'll definitely give you an update on where they stand in this roster once we get to play through the full extent of their abilities.
So, without further ado, let's get started.

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White Pikmin

Oh yea, we went there. For our potentially controversial opener, we have the poisonous White Pikmin first introduced in Pikmin 2. Now, you may be thinking there's another type that belongs in this slot, but hear us out.
Yes the poison resistance and treasure finding are a huge plus, but they're a situational pick. You can only create more of these guys while exploring caves, so you have to load up and sometimes go out of your way to replenish your supply. Also, while they are agile, their attacks are generally weaker and it feels like they have more benefit poisoning enemies while dead than they do alive.
For these reasons, White Pikmin unfortunately fall into the bottom of the bunch for our ranking.
Rock Pikmin

Unfortunately, Rock Pikmin are plagued with a similar issue as White Pikmin, which ranks them in our bottom tier. Yes, they are immune to being stabbed and crushed. Yes, they are able to break crystal. But, their value outside of these two niche areas isn't much. Unfortunately, Rock Pikmin find themselves in the "situational use" tier and at the bottom of the ranking system.
Red Pikmin

Ok, we're moving up a bit in the list and things are heating up. Literally. Red Pikmin are immune to fire and have an average attack power. To be fair, they are probably the weakest of the original Pikmin 1 trio, but they are tried and true and your "go-to" pick any time.
Winged Pikmin

Winged Pikmin aren't the strongest of the bunch, but their flying ability makes them a godsend when dealing with airborne enemies or carrying objects back over difficult terrain. If they were a bit stronger, they'd probably find themselves higher up on the list...
Blue Pikmin

Blue Pikmin find themselves right in the middle of the original Pikmin trio and higher up on our tier list. Water is one of the most dangerous obstacles in the Pikmin franchise and these little guys handle it with ease. The simple fact that you can roll in squad deep with a full army of Blue Pikmin makes you feel like you have your own mini naval army. In Pikmin 2, specifically, one cave is completely inaccessible to all pikmin types other than Water Pikmin. These reasons land them solidly in the B-Tier.

While not a Pikmin type per-se, Bulbmin are an absolute behemoth of a squad mate to have at your side. Sure, you have to look past the fact that Bulbmin are essentially held hostage in their own bodies, fully taken control of by a Pikmin that buried itself within a Bulborb. These guys are essentially the Frankenstein of the Pikmin franchise, but my god are they good.
Fire immunity? Check. Water? No problem. Electric obstacles? Bring it on. Poison? Didn't feel a thing.
Bulbmin are the closest thing to indestructible that you'll find in this series. Unfortunately, they are incredibly rare and only found in caves. If it weren't for these reasons, Bulbmin would be the undisputed leaders of this list by a landslide.
Purple Pikmin

You may not believe it, but this is the image of peak performance. Purple Pikmin were originally introduced in Pikmin 2 and can only be created by using candybuds in caves. They have the carrying capacity of 10 normal pikmin and hit like a freight truck.
Their only drawback: they are slower than molasses. Seriously. If these beefcakes were just a bit faster, they would easily find themselves at the top of our list.
Yellow Pikmin

Ranking at the top of our tier list are the time-tested Yellow Pikmin. You can throw them higher than any other Pikmin type, making hard-to-reach places immediately accessible. They are also immune to electricity and were the only pikmin type capable of carrying bomb rocks in Pikmin 1.
They aren't the strongest Pikmin, nor the most situational. They are a high-flying, jack of all trades type that you can't go wrong with in your squad.
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