The final patch of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, Version 3.0.0, is now available for download and gameplay. Included in this update is - of course - support for The Indigo Disk, along with several bug fixes and feature adjustments.

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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Version 3.0.0 Notes
Version 3.0.0 is the first major update to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet since Version 2.0.2, released on October 11, 2023. The notes are below:
Release of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part 2: The Indigo Disk for Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet
Trainers who have purchased The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero will now be able to enjoy adventures in Part 2: The Indigo Disk. Please click here for more details on Part 2: The Indigo Disk.
Additional Pokémon
For Trainers who have not purchased The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, additional Pokémon may appear via local or online communication modes.
Feature Adjustments
The difficulty of the Ogre Oustin’ minigame has been adjusted.
Bug Fixes
We have fixed a bug that resulted in the Hospitality Ability causing unintended behavior in certain situations.
The effects of the Protosynthesis and Quark Drive Abilities will no longer occur while the Neutralizing Gas Ability is in effect.
Other select bug fixes have been implemented.
How to Start The Indigo Disk
Now that you have the latest Version 3.0.0 update downloaded, you're probably wondering how to get started with The Indigo Disk. Well, it's not too bad (assuming you've completed everything you need to up until this point).
After updating your game and zoning in, you'll quickly receive a message from Clavell. This will prompt you to venture to the Uva Academy, where you'll meet the Blueberry Academy Director. This process will kick off your journey on the second part of this DLC.
Do you Need to Complete The Teal Mask Before Playing The Indigo Disk?
Unfortunately, The Indigo Disk DLC portion is not immediately playable unless you've completed the Teal Mask first! Don't worry, it's worth the time to learn more about the story and set the stage for the latter part of this DLC.
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