After enduring delays due to strikes within Hollywood, the much-awaited Sonic the Hedgehog 3 successfully completed its filming journey starting from August of the previous year. The production spanned over seven months, marking a significant phase in bringing Sonic's latest adventure to life.

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Production Wrap-Up and What’s Next for Sonic 3
In a recent interview with The Playlist, James Marsden, reprising his role from the first two films, has officially announced the wrap-up of Sonic the Hedgehog 3. While there might still be minor reshoots and additional scenes to capture throughout the year, the bulk of the filming has concluded. This milestone shifts the focus to the post-production team, tasked with editing and finalizing the movie for its big screen debut.
The full interview can be found below! Sonic portion begins around the 14:15 mark.
Countdown to the Big Screen Premiere
The anticipation has been building since Shadow the Hedgehog was originally teased to play a significant role in the film; and later, fans caught a quick glimpse of storyboards for the 3rd Sonic film before Paramount swiftly pulled them down.
With a release date set for December 20th, 2024, fans are eagerly counting down the nine months until Sonic dashes back into theaters.