With February's Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase airing tomorrow, we thought, "let's have a little fun, right?". After all, we've been waiting for the official confirmation since some of the rumors began earlier this month, and were even teased with a potential delay from the Microsoft podcast last week.
So, we made this cool tool for you to play around with: a Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase Bingo Card Generator!

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By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Notice. You can opt out at any time.

Generate Your Free Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase Bingo Card
Creating your free Nintendo Direct bingo card couldn't be easier. Simply head to Nintendo Direct Bingo (also located in the navigation bar) and hit the Generate button until you're happy with your choices!

Share with your friends on social media to see who has the winning card and be sure to tag us while you're at it!
Did your favorite make the list? Let us know in the comments.